Tuesday, 19 September 2017

Tubal Recanalization To Clear Blockage In Fallopian Tube

Tubal recanalization is a non-surgical procedure to clear the blockages in the fallopian tubes. The blockage of fallopian tubes can be determined by following symptom’s
  • Lower Abdominal Pain
  •  Pain during Periods 
  • Pain during Sex
  •  Pain during Urination
Unusual Vaginal DischargeRecanalization is a medical term which means reopening. The whole process does not need any incision or needle use. The steps in the process are 
  • Insert a speculum into the vagina to pass a tiny plastic tube into the uterus
  • Inject a liquid contrast agent with the help of plastic tube
  • Examine the whole activity using a monitor or a tiny camera 
  • Receive a hysteron-salpingogram (HSG) which is a picture of fallopian tubes and uterus 
  • Examine the blockage and thread a smaller plastic tube to clear the blockage.

The whole process is completed under the sterile conditions to avoid any kind of infection. The overall time needs to perform the procedure is around a half an hour. The accuracy of the process is around 90 percent and will restore the fallopian tubes normal functions. The rate of success depends on factors such as maternal age, reproductive history, causes of infertility, and other lifestyle factors. 

  • Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
  •  Endometriosis 
  • Tubal ligation removal
  •  Uterine fibroids 
  • Ectopic pregnancy 
  • Genital tuberculosis 
  • Problems from lower abdominal surgery such as cesarean section 
Risks in tubal recanalization treatment
  • Re-growth of scar tissue and adhesion
  • Pelvic infection due to opening of abdomen 
  • Ectopic pregnancy 

Punya Hospitals, Bangalore has provided best treatment facilities for tubal recanalization treatment. The hospital has used modern techniques and equipment for the tubal recanalization treatment. The hospital has a team of experienced and qualified doctors to perform the treatment process and have a high success ratio.
For more Details 

Mail Us: punyahospitalsbangalore@gmail.com