Gynaecologic laparoscopy is a minimal invasive surgical procedure used instead of open surgical procedure. This method makes use of a slender and lighted laparoscope that makes helps your doctor to view inside your body. This method can be used to diagnose as well as treat various disorders.
The laparoscopic technique have continued to evolve primarily as a result of technological advances. In addition to the use of better cameras and instruments, this has also resulted in the development of robotically assisted laparoscopy.
When a gynaec laparoscopy can be done?
A laparoscopy can be performed for various gynecologic issues like;
- Diagnosing and treating endometriosis
- Sterilizing female pregnancy
- Ovarian cyst removal
- Treatment for ectopic pregnancy
- Adhesion removal
- Uterus removal (Hysterectomy)
- Ovary removal (Oophorectomy)
- Fibroid removal
- Diagnosing cancer or removing lymph nodes for treating cancer
Procedure of Gynaec laparoscopy:
While carrying out the laparoscopic surgery, your surgeon will make small incisions on your belly through which the surgical instruments are inserted inside the patient’s body. Some gas is pumped through the incision so as to expand the abdomen and separate the organs which makes your surgeon to examine each organ clearly through the camera visual. Once the surgical procedure is over, your surgeon will carefully take out the instruments and allow the gas filled inside the abdomen to escape. Finally those small incisions will be stitched or clipped by the surgeon. The entire surgical procedure may extend from 30 minutes to 3 hours, depending upon the type of treatment or surgery carried out.
Advantages of Gynaec laparoscopic surgery:
Gynaec laparoscopic surgery being a minimal invasive surgical procedure, it involves advantages like;
- Less cuts on tissue and muscles
- Less pain
- Less blood loss
- Less postoperative disability
- Shorter hospital stay
- Quick recovery
- Smaller skin scars
- Reduced chances of infection
- Less expensive
Punya Hospital, provides you the best and effective Gynaec laparoscopic surgery in Bangalore. We are carefully and strategically planned to suit the needs of our patients at affordable rates.
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