Thursday, 4 June 2015

Introduction to Sleeve Gastrectomy

Sleeve gastrectomy is a weight loss surgery. That performs only on the stomach not in the small intestine. Sleeve gastrectomy also known as partial gastrectomy and vertical sleeve gastrectomy. In this surgical procedure two third portion of the stomach is removed that provides decreases appetite. That smaller stomach pouch restricts the food intake. 

Sleeve gastrectomy

Advantages of Sleeve Gastrectomy

1. It does not require the implantation of a foreign body.
2. Offers the benefit of decreasing body weight.
3. Relief of acid reflux.
4. Relief of sleep apnea.

Weight loss surgeries are only tool for reducing the over weight. Patients must make emotional and physical changes necessary after weight loss surgery. This will ensure the weight loss and its maintenance.

Punya Hospital has a well established bariatric treatment center, provides effective weight reduction treatments and surgeries in Bangalore.

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